3 British Monarchs Who Were Almost Assassinated

Queen Victoria was a lucky woman

Jacob Wilkins


A painting of Queen Victoria by Henry Pierce Bone, 1843 (Wikimedia Commons)

Britain has experienced plenty of monarchs throughout history. Some of them were brave individuals with noble hearts, while others spent most of their time eating and whoring.

But regardless of their morals, British kings and queens have always been targeted for one reason or another. And some assassination attempts were so close they almost changed the course of British history.

1. King James I

A painting of King James I by John de Critz, c. 1605 (Wikimedia Commons)

King James I became the King of England in 1603. But just two years into his reign, a group of Catholics plotted to kill him.

Angered by the persecution of Catholics, the plotters wanted to kill the monarch and kickstart an uprising that would reverse the Protestant Reformation and make England a Catholic nation once again. To achieve this, they planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament using gunpowder on the day of the State Opening.

The plotters initially dug an underground tunnel. But in the end, they managed to rent an undercroft (cellar) beneath the very hall where James would open Parliament. They filled the…

